Inspection Program
KLA's inspection program is in partnership with The North Fork Crow River Watershed District (NFCRWD) through Watergaurds LLC. The inspectors are trained by the MN Department of Natural Resources to inspect boats entering and exiting boat accesses.
The inspectors complete boat inspections from May to October. They complete a DNR survey during each watercraft inspection accompanied by graphs and tables of the inspection results. These inspections can help bolster boater's knowledge of AIS, teach self-inspection techniques, and reduces the risk for the spread of AIS.
We contribute to NFCRWD project alongside MN DNR, Meeker County, Paynesville TWP, Koronis Lake Association, Rice Lake Association, City of Paynesville, Grove Lake Association, Union Grove TWP, Stearns County, and Pope County.
AIS can be transported via water equipment, and inspecting boats can help reduce the risk that they are transported into an uninfected body of water. Once there, AIS can often outcompete the native species and throw off the surrounding environment.
2022 in Numbers
KLA Boat Inspection Managed by Watershed through DNR Delegation Agreement
accesses inspected